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Why Natural and Organic Wines are better for your body and better for the environment.

Natural and Organic Wines

Health Benefits and Environmental Impact

As we delve deeper into the world of natural and organic wines, it is important to consider the health benefits associated with consuming these types of wines. Not only do they offer a more authentic expression of terroir, but they also contribute to a more sustainable approach to viticulture, reducing environmental impact. Here we will explore the various health benefits and environmental considerations that come with choosing natural and organic wines.

Let us begin by examining the health benefits of natural wine. Unlike conventional wines, which may contain additives such as sulfites or synthetic pesticides, natural wines are made using minimal intervention techniques. This means that they are often lower in sulfites and other potentially harmful substances. As a result, many individuals who are sensitive to these additives find that they can enjoy natural wine without experiencing adverse effects such as headaches or allergic reactions. Sulfites are added to wine to prevent oxidation and spoilage, but they can also cause allergic reactions in some people. Natural wine typically contains lower levels of sulfites than regular wine, making it a better choice for people who are sensitive to sulfites.

Furthermore, because natural winemakers prioritise traditional farming practices and use minimal intervention during production, their wines tend to be richer in antioxidants. Antioxidants play a crucial role in promoting overall health by helping to neutralise harmful free radicals in our bodies. By choosing natural wine over conventional options, you can enjoy not only the complex flavours but also potential health benefits.

Here are some other potential health benefits of natural wine:

  • Improved gut health: Natural wine contains live bacteria, which can help to improve gut health. Gut health is important for overall health, and it has been linked to a reduced risk of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.
  • Lower risk of hangovers: Some people believe that natural wine is less likely to cause hangovers than regular wine. This is because natural wine contains less sugar and alcohol, and it is fermented using wild yeasts, which can produce different byproducts than commercial yeasts. However, more research is needed to confirm this claim.

It is important to note that the research on the health benefits of natural wine is limited. More research is needed to confirm these findings and to determine the long-term effects of drinking natural wine.

Turning our attention to organic wine, it is important to note that its production process focuses on sustainable farming practices that avoid synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. This commitment to environmentally-friendly methods has numerous positive implications for both vineyards and consumers alike.

Firstly, organic vineyards promote biodiversity by creating habitats for beneficial insects and wildlife. By avoiding harsh chemicals that harm the environment, these vineyards become havens for birds, bees, butterflies, and other creatures essential for maintaining ecological balance.

Secondly, the absence of synthetic pesticides means there is less risk of chemical residues ending up in your glass of wine. This not only ensures a purer drinking experience but also aligns with an increasing desire among consumers for cleaner, more natural food and beverage options.

Moreover, organic vineyards prioritise soil health by using compost and natural fertilisers. Healthy soil is the foundation for healthy vines, allowing them to absorb nutrients more effectively and produce grapes with greater flavour complexity. This translates into a more vibrant and expressive wine that truly reflects the unique characteristics of its terroir.

One study found that organic wine had higher levels of antioxidants than regular wine. Antioxidants are beneficial compounds that can help protect the body against damage from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and lead to a number of health problems, including cancer and heart disease.

Another study found that organic wine drinkers had lower levels of blood pressure and cholesterol than regular wine drinkers. This suggests that organic wine may help to protect against heart disease.

However, it is important to note that these studies are observational, which means that they cannot prove that organic wine is the cause of these health benefits. More research is needed to confirm these findings.

In addition to the health benefits associated with natural and organic wines, it is crucial to consider their positive impact on the environment. By supporting natural winemakers and organic vineyards, we are endorsing a sustainable approach to viticulture that reduces reliance on synthetic chemicals and promotes biodiversity.

Choosing natural or organic wines not only allows us to savour the authentic flavours of these unique beverages but also provides potential health benefits while reducing our environmental footprint. By making informed choices when selecting wines, we can support producers who prioritise sustainable practices and contribute to a healthier planet. So raise your glass with confidence, knowing that each sip brings you closer to a more sustainable future.


Making Informed Choices

As we reach the end of our exploration into the world of natural wine and organic wine, it is essential to summarise the key points discussed throughout this book. Armed with this knowledge, we can now make informed choices when selecting wines that align with our values and preferences.

Throughout this journey, we have delved into the definitions and differences between natural wine and organic wine. We have witnessed their growing popularity in recent years as more people seek out alternatives that prioritise sustainability and health. The demand for these wines has sparked a movement within the industry, driving winemakers to adopt practices that respect both nature and consumer well-being.

In an earlier article we unravelled the intricate process of making natural wine. From the use of organic grapes to spontaneous fermentation and minimal intervention, every step is taken to preserve the unique characteristics of each grape variety. Natural winemakers are like artisans who aim to create wines that authentically express their terroir.

We also explored the production process behind organic wine. We learned about farming practices that avoid synthetic pesticides and fertilisers while adhering to strict certification standards for organic vineyards. This commitment not only benefits our health but also nurtures an environment capable of producing truly remarkable flavours in these wines.

Lastly we ventured into tasting notes specific to natural wine and organic wine respectively. We encountered a myriad of flavours, aromas, and textures that result from minimal intervention during production or farming practices employed in vineyards. Each sip offers a chance to experience a unique expression of nature's bounty, whether it be through vibrant fruit profiles or earthy undertones.

But beyond just satisfying our palates, natural wine and organic wine offer numerous health benefits while reducing environmental impact. Above we have now explored how consuming these wines can contribute to a healthier lifestyle while promoting sustainable viticulture. By choosing these wines, we not only nourish our bodies but also support winemakers who prioritise the well-being of our planet.

So, how can we ensure that we make the best choices when it comes to natural and organic wines? It starts with being informed consumers. Understanding labels, seeking out trustworthy producers, and educating ourselves about the industry are all vital steps towards making conscious decisions. By doing so, we can enjoy wines that align with our values while supporting a movement that seeks to create a more sustainable and responsible future.

In conclusion our series "What is Natural Wine vs. Organic Wine" has taken us on a journey through the fascinating world of these remarkable wines. We have explored their definitions, production processes, tasting notes, health benefits, and environmental impact. Armed with this knowledge, we now possess the tools to make informed choices when selecting natural or organic wines.

Let us raise our glasses to a future where every sip is not only a delight for our senses but also a testament to our commitment towards a better world—one bottle at a time. Cheers!

Developing the taste profile of Natural and Organic Wines

Developing the taste profile of Natural and Organic Wines

The Production Process of Organic Wine

As the sun casts its warm rays over the rolling vineyards, a gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of ripe grapes through the air. Today we embark on a journey into the world of organic wine production, where sustainable farming practices and environmental consciousness intertwine with the artistry of winemaking.

Organic wine production begins in the vineyard, where farmers cultivate grapes using methods that eschew synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. Instead, they employ natural alternatives such as compost and cover crops to nourish and protect their precious vines. By fostering a balanced ecosystem within their vineyards, these winemakers strive to create wines that are not only flavorful but also reflective of their terroir.

Certification standards ensure that organic vineyards adhere to strict guidelines throughout their cultivation process. These standards vary across regions but generally require a minimum number of years without synthetic inputs before certification can be obtained. This commitment to organic farming extends beyond just the grapes themselves; it encompasses everything from soil health to water conservation.

In contrast to conventional viticulture, which often relies on chemical interventions to combat pests and diseases, organic winemakers embrace holistic approaches. They harness nature's own defence mechanisms by encouraging biodiversity within their vineyards. Ladybugs feast on aphids while predatory birds swoop down on rodents that threaten grapevines. It is this delicate dance with nature that lends organic wines their unique character.

The harvest season is an eagerly awaited moment for every winemaker, but for those producing organic wines, it holds even greater significance. Every grape is hand-picked with utmost care to ensure only the finest fruit makes its way into fermentation vessels. This meticulous selection process guarantees that each bottle of organic wine embodies the essence of craftsmanship and dedication.

Once harvested, these pristine grapes undergo a transformation through spontaneous fermentation – a hallmark of natural winemaking practices. Rather than relying on commercial yeasts, which can mask the true flavours of the grapes, natural winemakers allow indigenous yeasts to work their magic. This process may take longer and require more patience, but it yields wines that are truly expressive and alive.

Minimal intervention is the guiding principle throughout the production of organic wine. Unlike conventional winemaking methods that employ additives and manipulations to achieve desired outcomes, organic winemakers let nature take the lead. They use gentle techniques like hand plunging and gravity-flow systems to extract flavours gently while preserving the integrity of the grapes.

The result is a wine that reflects not only its terroir but also the passion and philosophy of its maker. Organic wines often exhibit vibrant fruit flavours with a nuanced complexity derived from their unique production process. Each sip becomes an exploration of nature's bounty, a sensory experience that transcends mere consumption.

Now we have journeyed through vineyards teeming with life and witnessed the meticulous care bestowed upon each grape. We have seen how organic winemakers embrace sustainable farming practices to create wines that are not only delicious but also environmentally conscious. As we continue our exploration in future articles, we will delve deeper into tasting notes specific to organic wine and uncover its distinct characteristics.

But for now, let us revel in the harmony between nature and craftsmanship as we raise our glasses to toast this remarkable journey into the world of organic wine production – where every sip tells a story written by Mother Earth herself.


Tasting Notes: Characteristics of Natural Wine

The journey into the world of natural wine continues as we shift our focus to exploring the unique characteristics that define this remarkable beverage. Tasting notes serve as our guide, allowing us to unravel the intricacies and complexities hidden within each pour. Natural wine, with its minimal intervention during production, offers a truly authentic expression of terroir that captivates the palate and ignites the senses.

As we lift the glass to our lips, we are greeted by an orchestra of flavours dancing upon our tongues. The first sip reveals a vibrant burst of freshness, reminiscent of ripe fruits plucked straight from nature's bounty. The absence of added sulfites allows these flavours to shine through with unparalleled clarity and purity. Each grape varietal takes centre stage, showcasing its unique personality in every drop.

The aromas wafting from the glass transport us to sun-kissed vineyards on a summer's day. Floral bouquets mingle with earthy undertones, creating a sensory experience that transcends mere taste. This symphony of scents lingers in the air long after the last sip has been savoured, leaving an indelible impression upon our memories.

Texturally, natural wines possess a certain liveliness that sets them apart from their conventional counterparts. They dance across our palates with an energetic vibrancy that invigorates our senses. A subtle effervescence may be present in some bottles, adding an extra layer of excitement and playfulness to the overall tasting experience.

One cannot discuss natural wine without acknowledging its profound connection to terroir – that mystical concept encompassing climate, soil composition, and winemaking techniques specific to each region. With minimal intervention during production, natural winemakers allow their grapes' true essence to shine through in every sip.

It is essential to highlight the diversity that exists within this category. From light and crisp whites to full-bodied reds, each bottle tells a unique story. The flavours may range from citrusy and zesty to bold and robust, but what remains consistent is the unmistakable mark of authenticity.

However, it is important to note that natural wines can also challenge our preconceived notions of what wine should taste like. Their unfiltered nature may introduce elements of funkiness or unexpected complexity. These characteristics are a testament to the winemakers' commitment to preserving the integrity of their grapes, even if it means straying from traditional norms.

As we explore the vast array of natural wines available, we must approach them with an open mind and an adventurous spirit. Each bottle offers an invitation to embark on a sensory journey unlike any other – a journey that celebrates nature's wonders and redefines our understanding of what wine can be.

Here we have only scratched the surface of tasting notes for natural wine. The world of flavours is vast and ever-evolving, with new discoveries waiting to be made with every uncorked bottle. So let us raise our glasses once more in celebration of these remarkable creations – natural wines that embody passion, authenticity, and a deep respect for the land from which they arise.


Tasting Notes: Characteristics of Organic Wine

As we delve deeper into the world of natural and organic wines, it is essential to explore the unique tasting notes that distinguish these wines from their conventional counterparts. Now we uncover the characteristics that make organic wine a truly exceptional and flavorful choice for wine enthusiasts.

Organic wine, as we have learned, is produced using farming practices that avoid synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. These practices not only benefit the environment but also impart distinct flavours to the grapes and ultimately the wine itself. The absence of chemical intervention allows for a more authentic expression of terroir, reflecting the true essence of the vineyard in each sip.

When you raise a glass of organic wine to your lips, be prepared to encounter vibrant flavours bursting with freshness. Organic grapes are cultivated in harmony with nature, allowing them to fully develop their natural potential. This results in intense fruitiness that can range from crisp apple and juicy pear to luscious berries or tropical notes like pineapple and passionfruit.

But it's not just about fruitiness; organic wines often exhibit an earthy quality that adds depth and complexity to their profiles. You may detect hints of freshly turned soil or damp forest floor, creating a sensory experience reminiscent of walking through a lush vineyard after rain. These earthy undertones contribute to the overall character of organic wines and provide a connection to nature that is truly unparalleled.

In addition to their vibrant flavours, organic wines often showcase an impressive acidity that tantalizes your taste buds with its lively zing. This acidity brings balance and structure to the wine while enhancing its refreshing qualities. Picture yourself sipping on a glass of chilled organic white wine on a warm summer evening – its bright acidity singing on your palate as it perfectly complements light seafood dishes or fresh salads.

Now let's talk about tannins - those delightful compounds found in red wines that give them structure and texture. Organic red wines often boast velvety tannins that caress your tongue and leave a satisfying, lingering finish. These tannins can be smooth and supple, reminiscent of silk, or slightly more assertive, adding a pleasant grip to the wine. Whether you prefer a bold Cabernet Sauvignon with robust tannins or a delicate Pinot Noir with silky-smooth textures, organic red wines offer an array of options to suit your preferences.

As we explore the characteristics of organic wines, it is important to note that each wine is unique, reflecting the specific grape varietals and regions from which they originate. The flavours and aromas mentioned here are merely glimpses into the diverse world of organic wine. The best way to truly appreciate these characteristics is by embarking on your own tasting journey, exploring different vineyards and winemakers who have dedicated themselves to organic viticulture.

Organic wines captivate our senses with their vibrant fruitiness, earthy undertones, refreshing acidity, and velvety tannins. By embracing sustainable farming practices and avoiding harmful chemicals in their cultivation process, these wines offer an authentic expression of terroir that connects us directly to nature's bounty. So next time you reach for a bottle of wine, consider indulging in the remarkable flavours and experiences that await within the realm of organic wine.

Stay tuned for an exploration into how these wines contribute not only to our well-being but also to a more sustainable approach in viticulture while reducing environmental impact. Let us uncover the secrets behind their positive impact on both ourselves and the planet we call home.

What is Natural Wine vs. Organic Wine


Understanding the World of Natural Wine and Organic Wine

In a world where choices abound, the realm of wine is no exception. The shelves of wine stores are lined with bottles adorned with labels boasting various claims: natural, organic, biodynamic. It can be overwhelming to decipher what these terms truly mean and how they impact the wines we choose to savour.

Today you can embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding natural wine and organic wine. We will delve into their definitions and explore the nuances that set them apart from conventional wines. As our palates become more attuned to seeking authenticity in flavours, these types of wines have gained immense popularity in recent years.

Natural wine is a concept deeply rooted in simplicity and minimal intervention. It embraces the idea that winemaking should honour nature's course rather than manipulate it. To craft a natural wine is to work hand in hand with Mother Nature herself. From vineyard to bottle, every step seeks to preserve the integrity of the grapes.

Organic wine, on the other hand, extends its focus beyond winemaking practices alone. It encompasses an entire ecosystem where sustainable farming methods take centre stage. By eschewing synthetic pesticides and fertilisers and embracing organic alternatives, vineyards cultivate grapes that are free from chemical interference.

The allure of both natural and organic wines lies not only in their commitment to purity but also in their ability to express terroir—the unique characteristics derived from a specific region's soil, climate, and cultural influences. These wines are like storytellers unravelling tales through their vibrant aromas, distinctive flavours, and textured complexities.

To fully comprehend how natural wines come into being requires us to deeply understand their making—a process that champions organic grapes as its foundation. As we venture further into "The Making of Natural Wine," we will explore spontaneous fermentation—the magical dance between grape juice and wild yeasts—where nature takes the reins, leading to the creation of wines that are alive with energy and vibrancy.

In a future piece we will explore "The Production Process of Organic Wine," guiding us through the meticulous steps taken by organic winemakers. From vineyard management to certification standards, we will witness how these practices not only enhance the flavours found in organic wines but also contribute positively to our environment.


Making Natural Wine

As the sun sets over the picturesque vineyards, a winemaker stands amidst rows of lush green vines, their hands gently caressing the clusters of grapes. This is where the magic begins - the making of natural wine. Here we will delve into the intricate process that transforms these humble fruits into a complex and authentic expression of terroir.

At its core, natural wine is a celebration of nature's bounty. It starts with organic grapes, cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. These grapes are nurtured by Mother Earth herself, thriving in soils teeming with life and vitality. From vine to bottle, every step is guided by an unwavering commitment to minimal intervention.

Spontaneous fermentation is at the heart of natural winemaking. Unlike conventional methods that rely on commercial yeast strains to kick start fermentation, natural winemakers embrace wild yeasts present on grape skins and in their surroundings. This allows for a slower and more nuanced fermentation process, resulting in unique flavours and aromas that are truly one-of-a-kind.

As our winemaker carefully crushes the grapes, he knows that preserving their distinct characteristics is paramount. Minimal intervention means no additives or excessive manipulation - just pure grape juice slowly transforming into wine through its own inherent chemistry. The result is a vibrant tapestry of flavours and textures that reflect not only the grape variety but also the specific terroir from which it hails.

The journey from fermentation vessel to bottle requires patience and precision. Natural winemakers often opt for ageing in neutral vessels such as old oak barrels or clay amphorae to minimise any external influence on the wine's character. This allows for a more transparent expression of fruit purity, unencumbered by overpowering oak or other flavour profiles associated with new barrels.

But what about stability? Natural wines may appear cloudy or have sediments, but this is not a flaw. It is a testament to their authenticity and lack of filtration or fining. These wines are alive, evolving in the bottle, and inviting us to embrace their natural complexity.

As we raise our glasses to taste, the wine tells its story. On the nose, we are greeted by an array of aromas - ripe fruits, floral notes, earthy undertones - each one whispering tales of its origin. On the palate, the wine dances with vibrant acidity and subtle tannins, offering a symphony of flavours that lingers long after each sip.

Now we have explored the artistry behind natural winemaking - from organic grapes to spontaneous fermentation and minimal intervention. We have witnessed how these practices come together to create wines that are truly a reflection of nature's craftsmanship.

But what sets natural wine apart from its organic counterpart? We will delve into this comparison further in a future article. For now, let us revel in the beauty of natural wine - a testament to the power and purity of grapes transformed into liquid poetry.

As we bid adieu to our winemaker amidst those enchanting vineyards, we carry with us an appreciation for his labour of love. The making of natural wine is a delicate dance between man and nature - an ode to authenticity that captures our imagination and tantalises our taste buds.



There is no universally accepted definition of natural wine, but there are some common characteristics that are often associated with it. These include:

  • Organic or biodynamic farming: Natural wines are typically made from grapes that are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Some natural winemakers also practice biodynamic farming, which is a more holistic approach to agriculture that takes into account the lunar cycles and the overall ecosystem of the vineyard.
  • Minimal intervention winemaking: Natural wines are made with minimal intervention in the winemaking process. This means that no artificial yeasts, sugar, acid, or other additives are used. The wines are also typically not filtered or fined, which can leave some sediment in the bottle.
  • Expressive of the terroir: Natural wines are often said to be more expressive of the terroir, or the unique characteristics of the vineyard where the grapes were grown. This is because natural winemakers do not use additives to mask the flavors of the grapes.
  • Variable in style: Natural wines can vary widely in style, from light and fruity to funky and earthy. This is because the winemaking process is more hands-off, which allows the natural characteristics of the grapes to shine through.
  • Low in sulfites: Natural wines typically contain lower levels of sulfites than conventional wines. Sulfites are added to wine to prevent oxidation and spoilage, but they can also cause allergic reactions in some people.

It is important to note that not all wines that meet these criteria are considered natural wines. Some winemakers who use organic or biodynamic farming practices may still add additives to their wines. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not a wine is considered natural is up to the individual consumer.

Are you a wine lover looking to explore the world of “natural” wines?

explore the world of “natural” wines

Whether you're interested in trying something new or just want to understand what natural wine is all about, this guide is here to lead the way. Natural wines are different from traditional commercially produced and mass-marketed bottlings – they are crafted with minimal intervention and offer unique flavour profiles that can often be very surprising (in the best way). In this short guide, we'll discuss key elements from how natural wines differ from other types of vino to tips for selecting the best bottle for your taste preferences. By the time you're finished reading, you’ll have all the information necessary for diving into exploring amazing natural wines!


1. What is Natural Wine and its Benefits

Natural wine is the purest form of wine, made from grapes that are grown organically or biodynamically, with little to no additives or preservatives. Unlike conventional winemaking, natural wine is unfiltered and uses native or wild yeasts during fermentation, resulting in a distinct flavour profile, free from the artificially-induced tastes that often arise from industrial winemaking.


2. Different Types of Natural Wines to Try

Natural wine has become increasingly popular amongst wine enthusiasts, and there are plenty of options to choose from. One of the oldest methods for making natural wine is the traditional "Kakhetian" method. Employed wherein the grape juice and its skins are subjected to complete fermentation and maceration together for a duration of 5 months inside a qvevri, a type of clay vessel that is buried underground. This meticulous process results in a wine that boasts a rich and complex tannin taste and structure that is uniquely deep and full-bodied.

Another  type of natural wine is skin-contact wine, also known as orange wine. Made by leaving the grape skins in contact with the juice during fermentation, this results in a distinct orange colour and a unique flavour profile that is both tannic and acidic. One last type to try is pet-nat, short for pétillant-naturel, which is made by bottling wine before fermentation is finished, giving it a naturally sparkling quality. This type of wine often includes some sediment at the bottom of the bottle, adding to its rustic charm. Whether you opt for a skin-contact wine or a funky pet-nat, exploring the world of natural wines is sure to be a tantalizing journey for your taste buds.


3. How to Find Quality Natural Wines

Looking for quality natural wines may seem like a daunting task, especially with so many varieties available. However, it's not as complicated as it may seem. Quality natural wines are those that are made with minimal intervention and without additives, giving them a unique taste and character. To find them, the best place to start is by doing some research on top natural wine producers. It's also helpful to ask for recommendations from local wine shops or restaurants specializing in natural wines. When buying, always look for the certification of a trusted natural wine organization to guarantee the authenticity of the product. With a little bit of effort and knowledge, you can uncover some hidden gems in the world of natural wine.


4. Tips for Identifying Good Natural Wines

When it comes to wine, many people are attracted to the idea of "natural" or "organic" wines. But with so many options out there, how can you be sure you're getting a good one? First and foremost, it's important to look for bottles that are labeled "organic" or "biodynamic." These wines are made with minimal intervention and without the use of harmful chemicals. Additionally, seek out wines that are made with indigenous yeasts; this means that the yeast used to ferment the wine come from the vineyard itself, adding unique and complex flavors to the final product. Finally, don't be afraid to ask your local wine merchant for recommendations or to try a few different bottles to find the ones that suit your palate best. With a little bit of know-how and a willingness to experiment, finding a delicious natural wine can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.


5. Pairing Food with Natural Wines

Wine has always been a beverage to savour, and pairing it with food is an art form in itself. Natural wines, in particular, have gained popularity in recent years due to their organic and sustainable production methods. But how do you pair them with food? Unlike traditional wines, natural wines have a unique taste profile that is influenced by the terroir, grape varietal, and production method. As a general rule of thumb, lighter wines go well with lighter dishes and heavier wines with richer foods. However, with natural wines, there are endless possibilities to explore and experiment with. From seafood to cheese to chocolate, the pairing options are as diverse as the wines themselves. So why not expand your palate and try a new natural wine pairing with your next meal? You might just discover a new favourite combination.


Natural wine is becoming more popular every day, and with good reason. It’s a great way to explore a variety of flavours and, at the same time, get an excellent tasting and high-quality wine. Natural wine is also widely considered to be healthier than conventionally produced wines because of their organic production process and lack of additives and preservatives. Whether you’re a connoisseur or just getting started in the world of wine, this guide may be just what you need to navigate the exciting world of natural wines that are currently on offer. With this comprehensive guide in hand, you can confidently choose and enjoy natural wines that tantalize your taste buds while also taking care of your health. With all that said, I hope this has whet your appetite to find out more about natural wines! Buy Now and get the ultimate experience right away!

The Goodness of Preservative-Free Wines – 6 Reasons to Purchase Them

Preservative free Wines | Tamada

Wine is one of the oldest and most beloved alcoholic beverages in the world. It has been enjoyed by people for thousands of years and is considered a staple at social gatherings and celebrations.

However, over time, the production process of wine has changed, with many winemakers using preservatives to improve the taste and extend the wine’s shelf life. While these preservatives may seem harmless, they can have a negative impact on the environment and our health. That's why many people are turning to preservative-free or natural wine, which offers a host of benefits.

What Are Preservatives in Wine?

Preservatives are chemicals that are added to wine to prevent spoilage and maintain freshness. The most common preservatives used in wine are sulphites, which are compounds that contain sulphur dioxide. Sulphites are used to prevent oxidation, inhibit the growth of bacteria and yeast, and preserve the wine's flavour and aroma. They are also used to sterilise equipment and barrels during the winemaking process.

While sulphites are generally considered safe for consumption, they can cause adverse reactions in some people, particularly those with asthma or sulphite sensitivity. In rare cases, sulphites can also cause anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

Why Drink Preservative-Free Wine?

Here’s why buying preservative-free wine is well worth it:

  1. Better For Your Health:

Preservative-free wines are made without the use of any synthetic additives, which means they are free from sulphites and other harmful chemicals. This makes them a healthier choice for people with asthma, sulphite sensitivity, or other health conditions. Studies have shown that preservatives can cause headaches, respiratory problems, and other health issues, so choosing a preservative-free wine can help you avoid these risks.

  1. Better for the Environment:

Preservative-free wines are also better for the environment. Sulphites and other preservatives can have a negative impact on the environment when they are released into the air or water. By choosing a preservative-free wine, you are reducing your carbon footprint and helping to protect the planet.

  1. More Natural Taste:

A preservative-free wine has a more natural taste, as they are made without any synthetic additives. These wines are made using organic grapes and natural fermentation methods. As a result, the wine tastes more natural and has a more distinct flavour profile. If you are a wine enthusiast who enjoys exploring the nuances of different wines, preservative-free wines are an excellent choice.

  1. More Affordable:

Preservative-free wines are often more affordable than traditional wines, as they are made with fewer additives and are often produced on a smaller scale. This makes them a great choice for wine enthusiasts who want to enjoy high-quality wine without breaking the bank.

  1. Supports Small Winemakers:

Choosing preservative-free wines is also a great way to support small winemakers who are passionate about producing high-quality wines. These winemakers often use traditional winemaking techniques and are committed to using only the best ingredients, resulting in a superior product.

How to Choose Preservative-Free Wines

Here are some tips to help you choose the right preservative-free wine for your tastes:

  • Look for Organic Wines: As mentioned earlier, natural wine is made from grapes that are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. So, look for wines that are certified organic by a recognised certification body.
  • Check the Label: Wines that are labelled as "natural" or "minimal intervention" are often preservative-free. Look for wines that have a short list of ingredients and no added sulphites.
  • Know Your Grapes: Certain grape varieties are more resistant to disease and require fewer chemicals to grow. Look for wines made from grapes, like Saperavi, which are less likely to have been treated with synthetic chemicals.
  • Research the Winery: Many small, independent wineries produce preservative-free wines. Look for wineries that are committed to sustainable and organic farming practices, and that use natural fermentation methods to produce their wines.
  • Read Reviews: Read reviews from other wine enthusiasts who have tried preservative-free wines. Look for reviews that describe the wine's flavour profile, body, and acidity.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab a bottle (or two) of the tastiest preservative-free, organic red wine from Tamada and enjoy it with your loved ones!